28. januar - 03. februar v/Loret Karman
Colorstudy for knitters.
This week we will study the interaction of color in knitwear. How do colors speak to each other in knitting? What happens if we use different texture, fibre or size of color dots? We will knit excersizes of the colortheories from Albers and Itten. Expect to come home with a lot of microswatches and experiments of color knitting . This class is not about color knitting techniques, and is accecible for all levels of knitters. You must be able to cast on, cast of, knit and purl . If you know more color knitting techniques, you will only benefit from this. Expect lots of tools, colors and expersizes that you have not done before in a knitting class.
Kursusnr. 05-2-24
Startdato: | 28. januar 2024 |
Slutdato: | 3. februar 2024 |
Kursustype: | |
Fag: | Håndstrik |
Underviser(e): | Loret Karman |